Greg MacPherson

March 30th 2024

Growing up largely on the east coast of Canada, my father and brothers were big Montreal Canadiens fans. Hockey is an incredible sport to watch and to play but there’s a lot wrong with the NHL so I don’t talk much publicly about being a hockey fan. That said, I follow the Canadiens closely and I find myself enjoying what is written and said about the team even more than I do watching the games. Two of my favourite sports journalists are Arpon Basu and Marc Antoine Godin, formerly of Le Support Athlétique and now of the Basu and Godin Notebook.  On a recent episode of the latter, they mentioned needing some theme music for one of their segments, I hurried something together for them, and to my delight they are using it. These are quality human beings, if you enjoy sports-journalism I recommend their podcast and their writing.